With the massive migration of business to the internet, businesses felt they could expand their customer base to a global scale. While this is true, it seems that many businesses have forgotten their local customer base. These businesses have lost sight of the worth of marketing to their local customers online. If your business model allows for both online and offline sales, then you should not forget about local internet marketing. If your business model uses the Internet to drive business to your brick and mortar store, then you REALLY should not neglect local optimization.

Search Goes Local
More and more people are using the internet to search for services and service related businesses. When doing a service business related search, customers are looking for local business results. For example: If a person does a search for lawn care service and they live in Nashville, TN, they most likely want to see search results that include lawn care companies that are close to them. It would be very difficult for a lawn care company in Los Angeles, CA to provide the person in this example with timely lawn care services.
Search engines understand this, so they now serve up search engine results that are local business intensive. If search engines are serving up local business results, then it behooves a business to incorporate local internet marketing into their online marketing strategy. By using local internet marketing, you are serving your current customer base and introducing your business to many, many potential local customers.
Local Marketing Tips
Local internet marketing will help put a face to your business for people, who are looking for your products and services in your area. The following list includes tips and strategies to help your local internet marketing efforts pay off big with local customers.
· Use Local Keyword Search
All marketing campaigns begin with keyword research, and local internet marketing is no different. It is important to understand how people are searching locally and what keywords they are using for the services and products your business offers, so that you can target your local internet marketing efforts towards those keywords.
· Article Writing and Submission
Write online articles and submit them to article submission sites. On the internet content is king, so the more you write about your business and your services and products, the more opportunity your potential customers will have to find you, when they are looking for what you are selling. Make sure to include references in your article to your location. For example, the title of your article could be "Find the Best Lawn Care Service in Nashville, TN".
· Online Video Marketing
The two biggest trends in marketing in the last few years have been a move to local search results by search engines and a move to include more video in search results. Based on this fact, it makes sense logically that using video for local internet marketing would be feeding the search engines exactly what they are hungry for. Make your own locally targeted videos, upload them to YouTube, and optimize them for local search results.
Customers that are in relative physical proximity to your business, whether online, offline, or both, tend to be your most loyal and long-term customers. It is time to refocus your efforts on local internet marketing to attract the customers in your area that will most likely visit and buy from you time and time again.
Visit http://www.surefiresocial.com for more information on local internet marketing.