When you put up a web site, you expect, like in the Kevin Costner movie, that, since you've built it, people will come. It doesn't work that way. If you sit back waiting for people to find your site, you'll end up waiting a very long time.

The question, then, is, how do you get eyeballs to your site? How do you get visitors? In the parlance of the web, how do you get traffic?

One of the main ways to do it is with links from other sites back to your site. However, not just any link will do. At one time, Google saw any link back to your site as some sort of confirmation that you were, indeed, a legitimate site. However, the more people tried to "game" that, the more people found ways to get hundreds and thousands of links back to their sites, the more Google became suspicious of those links. Were the links on pages that had something, anything at all, to do with your subject? If not, Google not only didn't like the links, they'd ding you for having them.

So how do you get legitimate links back to your site? By getting links from sites that Google already loves. They lend their own legitimacy and credibility to you when they link back to you. There are some very easy ways to get some of the big dogs to link back to you.

So who are the biggest players on the Internet? Probably Facebook, Google and YouTube. And since YouTube is owned by Google, if you can get links from them, you've hit two with one stone, so to speak.
So, put up a video. It can be you talking to the camera. It can be shots of nature or your cat as you talk about your subject matter. It can be an instructional video or a "slide show" video. It is very easy to put up a fairly good video. Then, in the description (and in your profile information) have a link back to your site.
Then embed that video on your Facebook page and put a link to your site in the post area of it, or in a comment. Another one down.

There are lots of other places to get links back to your site that either people will find and follow or that will give you legitimacy with Google or both. Have a profile on Amazon. Anyone can do it. If you're an author, get an Amazon Author Central page built. Their free and if you're an author, you should have one, anyway.
Use social media. Facebook isn't the only game in town. There is also Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Make micro pages on sites like Squidoo and Hub Pages. There are tons of sites like these that have longevity on the web, and have legitimacy.

With a little work, anyone can generate traffic to their site.

Geoff Hoff builds web sites for himself and others. He also teaches both the tech aspects of being online and the creative aspects of being online. You can pick up his free report Simple Website Traffic Secrets at http://SimpleWebsiteTrafficSecrets.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geoff_Hoff
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